Don't want to compromise on reliability, discretion, or empathy when choosing a clinic?
Diabetology deals with the management of diabetes, whether it is type 1 or type 2 diabetes.
Diabetes is a widespread condition: estimates suggest it affects 1 in 10 people in Hungary, including those who are unaware of their condition. Many people may not know they have diabetes because it can remain hidden for a long time, often causing damage with either no symptoms or very general ones. By the time we notice the problem, the disease has often been present for a long time, and it’s not uncommon to first recognize its complications. Often, diabetes is discovered incidentally through a routine lab test conducted for another reason.
The treatment for diabetes can vary widely depending on whether it's type 1 or type 2, and the severity of the condition. The symptoms, test results, and the patient’s overall condition determine the specific course of action.
When you come to us, you can be assured that we pay special attention to personalized care, and that you will understand exactly what your condition entails and why the specific treatment is necessary.
If you are struggling with diabetes and want to receive the best treatment, turn to us with confidence!
Lénárt Karolina
Google review
"I quickly found a suitable appointment online. The clinic was very beautiful, and the staff were super friendly. I received very thorough explanations during the examination. I came with a 1.5-year-old baby, and an assistant immediately helped and played with them to ensure the examination went smoothly!"
Outstanding quality of care
A wide range of
professional services
A medical team that excels
both professionally and personally
A unique, calm,
and comfortable environment
What problem can we assist you with?
Az endokrinológia az egész szervezet működésére jelentős hatást gyakorló hormonok termeléséért felelős úgynevezett belső elválasztású mirigyek működési zavaraival, gyulladásaival és daganataival foglalkozik.
A cukorbetegség népbetegség, legtöbbször mégis viszonylag későn diagnosztizálják. A diabéteszre legtöbbször már csak akkor derül fény, amikor valamilyen egyéb problémát okoz: romlik a látás, nehezen gyógyulnak a sebek, hideggé válnak a végtagok stb. Pedig egy egyszerű szűréssel időben észre lehetne venni a problémát, ezzel elejét véve a szövődményeknek.
Ha az autód hibásodik meg, szereted szakemberre bízni, hiszen az ő munkájától függhet akár a Te életed is. Ne bánj máshogy a szíveddel sem! A szív- és érrendszeri megbetegedések rengeteg embert érintenek – Te is közéjük tartozol? Egy kardiológiai kivizsgálásból kiderül!
A dietitian helps with creating an appropriate diet, whether it's for healthy eating, developing eating habits, achieving an ideal body weight, or managing various medical conditions (such as insulin resistance, PCOS, gestational diabetes, hypothyroidism, inflammatory bowel diseases, and food intolerances/allergies).
Nutrition is highly individual, influenced by numerous factors such as gender, age, activity level, preferences, and habits. With this information, personalized recommendations and advice can be provided, including specific food and cooking methods. Healthy eating is crucial at all ages and should start with the establishment of proper habits in childhood.
Here are a few questions that you may have already thought about:
Who should consider getting a screening test?
- People over 45 years old
- Those with a family history of diabetes
- Those who exhibit symptoms suggestive of diabetes
- Those under 45 years old who have certain risk factors: BMI over 25, high blood pressure, elevated blood lipid levels.
How is diabetes screening conducted?
The initial step involves a fasting blood test. If the blood sugar level is high at this stage, further testing is usually not necessary, as a glucose tolerance test cannot be performed in such cases.
If the fasting blood sugar level is normal, the next step is the oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), commonly known as a glucose tolerance test. This test can detect diabetes that has not yet caused symptoms, gestational diabetes, and prediabetes (impaired glucose tolerance).
The process of the OGTT test:
During the test, after a fasting blood sample is taken, you will need to dissolve 75 grams of glucose in water and drink it. Then, a follow-up blood sample is taken after 120 minutes. The results will indicate whether you have diabetes, gestational diabetes, or possibly a prediabetic condition.
I am diabetic... what does this mean?
Being diagnosed with diabetes doesn’t reveal everything; the problem actually comes in several types. Depending on which type affects the patient, the options vary.
- Type 1 diabetes: Type 1 diabetes is a congenital autoimmune disease, also known as insulin-dependent diabetes. The immune system attacks the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas, leading to insulin deficiency and disrupted blood glucose levels. This type is not curable but is manageable.
- Type 2 diabetes: This is an "acquired" form of diabetes where insulin cannot effectively regulate blood glucose levels. As a result, the body produces increasingly more insulin to manage blood sugar. Eventually, the body becomes exhausted from this overproduction and cannot counteract insulin resistance, leading to type 2 diabetes. This type can be effectively managed with healthy eating, physical activity, and, if necessary, medication.
- Prediabetes: This is a prediabetic condition with two forms: impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) and elevated fasting blood sugar levels (IFG).
- Gestational diabetes (GDM): It only affects the period of pregnancy, and blood sugar levels typically return to normal after childbirth. However, it is worth noting that it often predicts the likelihood of developing diabetes later on!
What are the symptoms of diabetes?
Diabetes is insidious: in many cases, it does not cause symptoms and is only discovered by chance during a lab test conducted for another reason, or it is noticed only when complications have already developed.
However, it also happens that there are symptoms, but the affected individuals do not know what to look out for, so the problem remains hidden for a long time.
Symptoms of diabetes:
- Frequent thirst, leading to higher-than-average fluid intake
- Frequent urination
- People with diabetes often feel hungry despite eating enough.
- Extreme fatigue
- Visual disturbances
- Skin problems: infections, inflammation, fungal infections, slow wound healing
If you suspect you might have diabetes, or if you already have a diagnosis and want to receive the most effective treatment, make an appointment with us! We believe that the best results are achieved by involving the patient – let's plan your treatment together!
Online AppointmentOur current prices
Post-COVID screening packages: Examination of complications following COVID-19 (within 3 months) | From 49.900 HUF |
Specialist consultation + cardiac ultrasound | 39.000 HUF |
Specialist consultation + cardiac ultrasound and spirometry (pulmonary function test) | 49.900 HUF |
Follow-up examination | 20.000 HUF |
Additional option
Resting ECG with evaluation | 10.000 HUF |
Exercise ECG with evaluation | 30.000 HUF |
First specialist consultation | 35.000 HUF |
Follow-up examination (within 3 months) | 30.000 HUF |
Blood sugar diary email consultation (within 3 months of the first in-person consultation) | 5.000 HUF per piece |
Dietetic consultation, first session (60 minutes) A 3-day dietary food diary is recommended beforehand | 18.000 HUF |
Dietetic follow-up consultation (in-person or online) 40 minutes | 10.000 HUF |
Dietetic consultation, first session (60 minutes) A 3-day dietary food diary is recommended beforehand | 18.000 HUF |
Follow-up appointment (in-person or online) 40 minutes | 10.000 HUF |
Erre számíthatsz, ha minket választasz
egy átlagos szűrővizsgálaton
A nőgyógyászati vizsgálat a szeméremtest, a hüvely, a méh, illetve a petefészkek vizsgálatából, valamint a méhnyak szűrésből (citológia) áll. A páciens kérésére a szakorvos elvégzi az emlők fizikális vizsgálatát is, melynek során áttapintja az emlőket, valamint a hónaljban található nyirokcsomókat.
Az orvos rákérdez az esetleges panaszokra, az utolsó menstruáció időpontjára. Átbeszélitek a menstruációd jellemzőit, fogamzásgátlás módját, és minden más nőgyógyászati kérdést, ami téged foglalkoztat.
Bimanuális (kétkezes) vizsgálat
közel sem olyan ijesztő, mint ahogy hangzik ? Az orvos először szemügyre veszi, majd áttapintja a külső és belső nemiszerveket. Ez a vizsgálat normális esetben egyáltalán nem fájdalmas. Ha fájdalmat érzel: azonnal jelezd az orvosodnak, hisz az betegségre is felhívhatja a figyelmet!
Feltárásos vizsgálat
egy „kacsának” nevezett eszközzel bekukucskál a hüvelyedbe, hogy a méhszájadat, hüvelyboltozatot és hüvelyfalat is megvizsgálhassa. Természetesen mindenkinek megfelelő méretűt használunk: XS-től L-ig. (igen, mint a ruháknál).
az orvos leveszi a rákszűréshez, tenyésztéshez szükséges váladékot egy fültisztító vattapálcikára, vagy szempillaspirálra emlékeztető eszközzel. Ne aggódj, ez egyáltalán nem fáj!
egy kb. két ujjnyi vastag, teljesen csúszós hüvelyi eszközzel történik. Ez sem fájdalmas, esetleg picit furcsa érzés, de ha mégis bármikor fájdalmat, kellemetlenséget érzel, azonnal jelezd az orvosnak! Az ultrahang képét Te is láthatod real time az előtted lévő TV képernyőjén, amin az orvos magyarázni is tud, ha lát valami említésre méltót. (pl: kisbaba, ciszta, mióma, stb).
Az utolsó lépés ismét beszélgetés
a vizsgálat után az orvos elmondja, mit talált Nálad, milyen fontos tudnivalók vannak testedet, állapotodat illetően. Az is lehet, hogy semmi, hisz makk egészséges vagy, és csak az éves szűrésre érkeztél:)
Contact us with any unexpected symptoms as well
If you experience abnormal bleeding, meaning bleeding outside of your menstrual period.
If sex is painful or uncomfortable.
If your vaginal discharge changes: if it becomes more abundant, has a different consistency, unusual color, or unpleasant odor.
If you experience itching or a burning sensation.
If you notice any external abnormalities: blisters, warts, rashes, redness, swelling, etc.
Severe menstrual pain, excessive bleeding, unusually long or short periods, or abnormal color/consistency of the blood.
In cases of lower abdominal pain, cramping, or discomfort.
Don't feel embarrassed about seeing a doctor in these situations! While it may seem extreme to you, we encounter these issues every day – to us, it's as routine as a broken wrist in the emergency room!
Online AppointmentL33 Medical vs. average gynecology practices
Compassionate care
Comfortable, personalized appointment times
Multiple, easily accessible clinics
Comprehensive range of services
100% service guarantee
Partial or complete lack of empathy
Often rigid scheduling
Distances that may require several hours of travel
Only a few of their preferred examinations
Conveyor-belt style care
With expert assistance, we are here to help with other gynecological issues in our clinics as well
Maternity care
To ensure that your baby is in the best hands throughout your pregnancy.
If you have any gynecological questions, we are happy to answer them!
Consultation, oral contraceptives, IUD insertion, and discussion and application of other methods.
Fertility issues
Fertility-related tests.
Bleeding disorders
Contact us if you believe your menstruation is abnormal!
If your child needs gynaecological care
Our paediatricians use the gentlest possible methods and a child-friendly approach to solve the problem.
Menopausal problems
Menopause affects everyone sooner or later, but it doesn't have to be a struggle!
With us, you can always have one more question!
Our colleagues are experts in a wide range of gynecological activities, ensuring that whatever you come to us with, you will always receive the best possible care and the most accurate answers!