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A proper diet can be a partial or complete solution to many health issues.
Dietetics is the science concerned with healthy eating and diets. Dietitians' role is to provide guidance on assembling an optimal diet for various life situations and medical conditions.
Often, even a few small changes can significantly improve our health through diet alone, but there are also cases where more drastic changes are necessary. If these changes are not made, it can lead to serious long-term consequences, worsening underlying conditions, and the development of complications. A good example is type 2 diabetes, where proper nutrition is a cornerstone of treatment.
After assessing your condition and conducting a thorough consultation, the dietitian will help you find a diet that can improve how you feel and potentially enhance your health metrics. Since every case is unique, they will always create a personalized diet plan based on the latest recommendations.
Changing one's lifestyle is not easy, but with the right help, it is not impossible—contact us if you need expert advice!
Lénárt Karolina
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"I quickly found a suitable appointment online. The clinic was very beautiful, and the staff were super friendly. I received very thorough explanations during the examination. I came with a 1.5-year-old baby, and an assistant immediately helped and played with them to ensure the examination went smoothly!"
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How can a dietitian help?
A dietitian helps with creating an appropriate diet, whether it's for healthy eating, developing eating habits, achieving an ideal body weight, or managing various medical conditions (such as insulin resistance, PCOS, gestational diabetes, hypothyroidism, inflammatory bowel diseases, and food intolerances/allergies).
Nutrition is highly individual, influenced by numerous factors such as gender, age, activity level, preferences, and habits. With this information, personalized recommendations and advice can be provided, including specific food and cooking methods. Healthy eating is crucial at all ages and should start with the establishment of proper habits in childhood.
Online AppointmentWhat does a dietetic consultation look like?
Preparation for the consultation starts even before the personal meeting, as we ask the patient to bring a food diary documenting their intake over the previous days to the first consultation.
The consultation begins with taking a dietary history, where we gather information about medical conditions, comorbidities, eating habits, favorite foods, and ingredients causing issues. Following this, we discuss dietary recommendations specific to the condition or disease, and review modifications, changes, recipe ideas, applicable ingredients, and cooking methods based on the food diary. The initial consultation is followed by a follow-up appointment approximately 4-6 weeks later, where we review the implementation of the advice discussed earlier and address any questions that have arisen in the meantime.
Online AppointmentMost common conditions
1. Insulin resistance
It is generally advisable to consult a doctor after 1 year.
Insulin resistance is a carbohydrate metabolism problem affecting an increasing number of people. In many cases, it does not cause symptoms and is often discovered during other investigations (e.g., infertility). The organs are unable to effectively absorb the sugar circulating in the blood from food, which the body attempts to counterbalance with increased insulin production. This results in elevated insulin levels while blood sugar remains within normal ranges. It is more common among individuals who are overweight but can also affect those with a thin body type. Symptoms include: irritability, sweating, and shaking during prolonged hunger; fatigue, dizziness, and difficulty sleeping after consuming large amounts of food; irregular or absent menstruation; unexplained weight gain; and the appearance of ovarian cysts.
Diagnosis is made through a glucose tolerance test (OGTT). This involves consuming 75 grams of sugar dissolved in water, and then measuring the effects on blood glucose and insulin levels.
2. Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) affects the body’s hormonal balance, primarily manifesting as gynecological symptoms. It is often associated with disturbances in carbohydrate metabolism (such as insulin resistance and diabetes). Contributing factors may include elevated insulin levels and an excess of male hormones. Symptoms include irregular menstruation, abdominal weight gain, infertility, skin problems, and increased hair growth.
Diagnosis is complex and involves collaboration between an endocrinologist and a gynecologist. It is based on a combination of symptoms, hormone tests, ultrasound, and blood glucose tests.
3. Overweight, obesity
Obesity is the accumulation of fat tissue to such an extent that it negatively impacts the body's functioning. It affects an increasing number of people today (over 60% of adults in Hungary!) and significantly increases the risk of comorbidities such as cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, and respiratory diseases. The most common causes are excessive energy intake, a sedentary lifestyle, and poor dietary habits. Additionally, metabolic disorders can also contribute to obesity. Diagnosis can be made through BMI calculation, measuring waist circumference, and assessing body composition, as well as using laboratory parameters for further information.
4. Gestational diabetes
Gestational diabetes is diabetes that develops during pregnancy or is diagnosed at that time. Pregnancy affects metabolic processes, increasing the likelihood of developing diabetes. It is usually manageable with diet and typically resolves after childbirth. Since untreated gestational diabetes poses risks to both the fetus and the mother, proper nutrition is of paramount importance.
Diagnosis: In Hungary, gestational diabetes is diagnosed based on the results of a mandatory 3-hour glucose tolerance test (OGTT) performed between the 24th and 28th weeks of pregnancy. In certain cases, an earlier or preterm glucose tolerance test may be required around the 16th week of pregnancy.
What problem can we assist you with?
Az endokrinológia az egész szervezet működésére jelentős hatást gyakorló hormonok termeléséért felelős úgynevezett belső elválasztású mirigyek működési zavaraival, gyulladásaival és daganataival foglalkozik.
A cukorbetegség népbetegség, legtöbbször mégis viszonylag későn diagnosztizálják. A diabéteszre legtöbbször már csak akkor derül fény, amikor valamilyen egyéb problémát okoz: romlik a látás, nehezen gyógyulnak a sebek, hideggé válnak a végtagok stb. Pedig egy egyszerű szűréssel időben észre lehetne venni a problémát, ezzel elejét véve a szövődményeknek.
Ha az autód hibásodik meg, szereted szakemberre bízni, hiszen az ő munkájától függhet akár a Te életed is. Ne bánj máshogy a szíveddel sem! A szív- és érrendszeri megbetegedések rengeteg embert érintenek – Te is közéjük tartozol? Egy kardiológiai kivizsgálásból kiderül!
A dietitian helps with creating an appropriate diet, whether it's for healthy eating, developing eating habits, achieving an ideal body weight, or managing various medical conditions (such as insulin resistance, PCOS, gestational diabetes, hypothyroidism, inflammatory bowel diseases, and food intolerances/allergies).
Nutrition is highly individual, influenced by numerous factors such as gender, age, activity level, preferences, and habits. With this information, personalized recommendations and advice can be provided, including specific food and cooking methods. Healthy eating is crucial at all ages and should start with the establishment of proper habits in childhood.
Our current prices
Post-COVID screening packages: Examination of complications following COVID-19 (within 3 months) | From 49.900 HUF |
Specialist consultation + cardiac ultrasound | 39.000 HUF |
Specialist consultation + cardiac ultrasound and spirometry (pulmonary function test) | 49.900 HUF |
Follow-up examination | 20.000 HUF |
Additional option
Resting ECG with evaluation | 10.000 HUF |
Exercise ECG with evaluation | 30.000 HUF |
First specialist consultation | 35.000 HUF |
Follow-up examination (within 3 months) | 30.000 HUF |
Blood sugar diary email consultation (within 3 months of the first in-person consultation) | 5.000 HUF per piece |
Dietetic consultation, first session (60 minutes) A 3-day dietary food diary is recommended beforehand | 18.000 HUF |
Dietetic follow-up consultation (in-person or online) 40 minutes | 10.000 HUF |
Dietetic consultation, first session (60 minutes) A 3-day dietary food diary is recommended beforehand | 18.000 HUF |
Follow-up appointment (in-person or online) 40 minutes | 10.000 HUF |
With us, you can always have one more question!
Kollégáink a dietetikai tevékenységek széles skálájának szakértői – így biztosítjuk, hogy bármivel is jössz el hozzánk, mindig a lehető legjobb ellátást és a legpontosabb válaszokat kapd!