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Online Appointment Prescription

Among our services, you will certainly find what you are looking for


Consultation33.000 HUF
Fertility consultation (40 minutes)55.000 HUF
Menopauza konzultáció (40 perc)55.000 HUF
Second opinion request35.000 HUF
Examination35.000 HUF
Examination + cancer screening41.000 Ft
Examination + ultrasound41.000 Ft
Basic annual gynecological examination (examination + cancer screening + ultrasound)42.000 Ft
Complex annual gynecological examination (Basic + hrHPV)54.000 HUF
IUD insertion45.000 HUF
IUD removal41.000 Ft
Cervical cryotherapy40.000 HUF
HYCOSY (hysterosalpingo-contrast sonography)100.000 HUF
Sonohysterogram (SIS, saline infusion sonohysterography)70.000 HUF
Endometrium scratching40.000 HUF
Gyermeknőgyógyászati konzultáció30.000 HUF
Pediatric gynecological examination35.000 HUF
receptírás (konzultáció és vizsgálat nélkül)4.500 Ft
Külföldi receptek átírása15.000 HUF
Hétvégi receptírás (konzultáció és vizsgálat nélkül)10.000 HUF

Additional option (to be paid in addition to the examination fee)

Vaginal discharge culture10.000 HUF
GBS screening10.000 HUF
Immediate microscopic smear examination 6.000 Ft
Liquid based surcharge10.000 HUF
HPV typing – full spectrum20.000 HUF
hr HPV (high-risk HPV)15.000 HUF
STD3 (Gadenella, Trichomonas, Atopobium)20.000 HUF
STD4 (Chlamydia, Neisseria, Mycoplasma, Ureaplasma)25.000 HUF
m-STD4 (Chlmaydia, Neisseria, Mycoplasma, Trichomonas)25.000 HUF
Cervicitis panel (Chlamydia, Neisseria, Mycoplasma)20.000 HUF
MPL and UPL cultures12.000 HUF
STD (per unit)10.000 HUF
Endometrium biopsia20.000 HUF


Consultation33.000 HUF
Maternity Care37.000 Ft
Maternity care extra (40 minutes)65.000 Ft
Maternity care + ultrasound41.000 Ft
CTG + medical visit37.000 Ft
Genetic ultrasound package (all three trimesters)180.000 HUF
First-trimester genetic ultrasound80.000 HUF
Second-trimester genetic ultrasound80.000 HUF
Third-trimester genetic ultrasound80.000 HUF
TWINS Genetic ultrasound package (all three trimesters)240.000 HUF
TWINS First-trimester genetic ultrasound100.000 HUF
TWINS Second-trimester genetic ultrasound100.000 HUF
TWINS Third-trimester genetic ultrasound100.000 HUF
Combined screening25.000 HUF
Preeclampsia screening25.000 HUF
Nutritional counseling with meal diary analysis18.000 HUF
Baby ultrasound25.000 HUF
Twin baby ultrasound30.000 HUF

Additional option (to be paid in addition to the examination fee)

Vaginal discharge culture10.000 HUF
GBS screening10.000 HUF
Immediate microscopic smear examination 6.000 Ft
Cytological sample10.000 HUF
Liquid based surcharge10.000 HUF
HPV typing – full spectrum20.000 HUF
hr HPV (high-risk HPV)15.000 HUF


Initial consultation (30 minutes)39.000 HUF
Follow-up examination (30 minutes) – within 6 months35.000 HUF
Email consultation (Except for: TSH during pregnancy, if the consultation was in person within 6 months before pregnancy, and TSH result consultation within 1 year.)20.000 HUF

Male fertility examination

Complex fertility assessment (SPG + HBA + DNA fragmentation)120.000 Ft
Conventional sperm analysis (SPG)30.000 HUF
Anti-sperm antibody (MAR)38.000 HUF
DNA fragmentation55.000 HUF
PCT (Postcoital Test)25.000 HUF
SPG + rövid konzultáció50.000 HUF
Embriológusi hosszú konzultáció (40 perc)30.000 HUF

Laser surgery

Examination fee (medical history, symptom assessment, examination, prescription writing)25.000 HUF
Rectal examination with anoscopy fee30.000 HUF
Treatment of skin lesions**
1 piece35.000 HUF
2-5 piecesFrom 50.000 HUF
6-10 piecesFrom 80.000 HUF
More than 10 piecesFrom 120.000 HUF
Removal of skin cancer (Basal cell carcinoma)75.000 Ft-tól
Removal of lipoma and atheroma (fat and sebaceous cyst)50.000 HUF per piece
Treatment of rectal conditions
Internal hemorrhoids (Laser, rubber band ligation. Typically, only one sector can be treated at a time.)35.000 Ft / szektor
External hemorrhoids (anesthesia, laser, suturing)45.000 HUF per sector
Anal fissure (examination, therapy, diet)35.000 HUF
Extrasphincteric fistula (outside the anal sphincter)45.000 HUF per fistula
Perirectal abscess (Periproctal abscess)45.000 HUF
Hemorrhoidal thrombosis (blood clot)45.000 HUF
Ingrown toenail treatment (edge removal, nail removal, permanent nail removal...)**
Ingrown toenail treatment (1 nail edge)35.000 HUF
Ingrown toenail treatment (2 nail edges)70.000 HUF
Ingrown toenail treatment (3 nail edges)100.000 HUF
Ingrown toenail treatment (4 nail edges)130.000 HUF
Complete nail removal70.000 HUF
Laser surgery for genital organs**
Frenulum brave40.000 HUF per piece
Laser surgery for phimosis (circumcision) (over 14 years old)100.000 HUF per piece
Scrotal atheroma40.000 HUF per piece
Bartholin's gland surgery50.000 HUF per piece
Labia minora correction100.000 Ft / side
Skin lesionsFrom 25.000 HUF per piece
Age-related brown spotsFrom 25.000 HUF per piece
CondylomaFrom 25.000 HUF per piece
Histology25.000 HUF
* If the examination is followed by treatment, the cost of the examination is included in the treatment price.
** The final price is always determined after a personal examination, depending on the size, location, stage, and other factors of the procedure.


Treatment of rectal conditions
Internal hemorrhoids (Laser, rubber band ligation. Typically, only one sector can be treated at a time.)30.000 HUF per sector
External hemorrhoids (anesthesia, laser, suturing)45.000 HUF per sector
Anal fissure (examination, therapy, diet)35.000 HUF
Extrasphincteric fistula (outside the anal sphincter)45.000 HUF per fistula
Perirectal abscess (Periproctal abscess)45.000 HUF
Hemorrhoidal thrombosis (blood clot)45.000 HUF
* If the examination is followed by treatment, the cost of the examination is included in the treatment price.
** The final price is always determined after a personal examination, depending on the size, location, stage, and other factors of the procedure.


Specialist examination33.000 HUF
Specialist examination + ultrasound36.000 HUF
Long-term follow-up examination (within 6 months)25.000 HUF

Additional options

Urine culture10.000 HUF
Detection of STD pathogens by PCR, per test10.000 HUF
STD 4 (Chlamydia, Ureaplasma, Mycoplasma, Neisseria)25.000 HUF
HPV full spectrum20.000 HUF
Prescription writing without consultation and examination4.500 Ft


Post-COVID screening packages: Examination of complications following COVID-19 (within 3 months)From 49.900 HUF
Specialist consultation + cardiac ultrasound39.000 HUF
Specialist consultation + cardiac ultrasound and spirometry (pulmonary function test)49.900 HUF
Follow-up examination20.000 HUF

Additional option

Resting ECG with evaluation10.000 HUF
Exercise ECG with evaluation30.000 HUF


First specialist consultation35.000 HUF
Follow-up examination (within 3 months)30.000 HUF
Blood sugar diary email consultation (within 3 months of the first in-person consultation)5.000 HUF per piece
Dietetic consultation, first session (60 minutes)
A 3-day dietary food diary is recommended beforehand
18.000 HUF
Dietetic follow-up consultation (in-person or online) 40 minutes10.000 HUF


Dietetic consultation, first session (60 minutes)
A 3-day dietary food diary is recommended beforehand
18.000 HUF
Follow-up appointment (in-person or online) 40 minutes10.000 HUF

Laboratory diagnostics

2-5 cycle day hormones: FSH, LH, E2, AMH, TSH22.000 Ft
19-21 cycle day hormones: Progesterone, Prolactin, Testosterone10.000 HUF
Women's HIV panel: HIV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, VDRL, TORCH (before IVF)50.000 HUF
Men's HIV panel: HIV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, VDRL, CMV (before IVF)25.000 HUF
1st trimester labs (also known as ‘early pregnancy’ labs): blood count, urine test, blood type + antibodies, glucose, Na, K, Ca, Cl, GOT, GPT, GGT, AP, LDH, uric acid, bilirubin, albumin, total protein, urea, creatinine, GFR, TSH, iron, syphilis (Lues), Hepatitis B28.000 HUF
24-week pregnancy labs: OGTT, urine test, blood count, Na, K, Ca, Cl, GOT, GPT, GGT, AP, LDH, uric acid, bilirubin, albumin, total protein, urea, creatinine, GFR, iron12.000 HUF
36-week pregnancy labs: urine test, blood count, blood type + antibodies, glucose, Na, K, Ca, Cl, GOT, GPT, GGT, AP, LDH, uric acid18.000 HUF
Comprehensive lab test: blood count, urine test, blood glucose, Na, K, Ca, Cl, GOT, GPT, GGT, AP, LDH, uric acid, bilirubin, albumin, total protein, urea, creatinine, GFR, amylase, lipase, CRP, iron, blood lipids: cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL, LDL, non-HDL10.000 HUF
Pre-surgery lab tests: INR, blood type + antibodies, blood count, urine test, blood glucose, Na, K, Ca, Cl, urea, creatinine, GFR, GOT, GPT, GGT, LDH, AP, albumin, total protein, CRP, iron, bilirubin, blood lipids: cholesterol, triglycerides, LDL, HDL, non-HDL20.000 HUF
Thyroid – basic TSH, T3, T4, anti-TPO12.000 HUF
Thyroid plus: TSH, T3, T4, anti-TPO, anti-thyroglobulin, selenium, iodine37.000 Ft
Iron panel: iron, transferrin, ferritin, blood count8.000 HUF
Insulin resistance (IR): 3-point blood glucose and insulin levels, vitamin D15.000 HUF
Pre-contraceptive pill blood test: Leiden mutation, TSH, comprehensive lab (see above)35.000 HUF
Continuous contraceptive pill use – annual check-up: blood count, blood glucose, Na, K, Ca, Cl, bilirubin, GOT, GPT, GGT, AP, LDH, urea, creatinine, GFR, CRP, total protein, blood lipids: cholesterol, triglycerides, HDL, LDL, non-HDL10.000 HUF
Custom lab tests (Any blood test can be performed upon request, and packages can be adjusted according to your preferences; however, the price may change accordingly. If you would like a custom package, please contact our team.))
Detailed price list

Due to the uniqueness of lab tests and the ongoing changes in supplier prices, please inquire about current prices from our team.
L33 Medical