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Did you know that one-third of cervical cancers develop in women who regularly attend their annual gynecological screenings??

Theoretically, cervical cancer is 100% preventable, but…

even today, 4-500 women die from cervical cancer each year in Hungary!

Unfortunately, regular cytological examinations do not provide complete protection. Cervical cancer develops in about 30% of cases* in women who previously underwent cytological-based gynecological screening and received a negative result!

Schedule Cancer Screening

95% of cervical cancers are caused by HPV!

Most women are aware that they should visit a gynecologist annually for cervical cancer screening (cytological examination) starting from the onset of sexual activity. However, unfortunately, many misconceptions still exist regarding the various examinations. 

Most misunderstandings typically arise concerning HPV and cancer screening.​

We have long known that there is a link between HPV (human papillomavirus) infection and the development of cervical cancer, but the results of scientific studies in recent years clearly prove that more than 95% of cervical cancer cases are caused by persistent infection with high-risk types of HPV.

Regular gynecological screening (cytology) has brought significant progress in the fight against cervical cancer. Unfortunately, this alone is not enough to reduce the number of cases below a certain level.

*The chart is based on data from England, Wales, Norway, and Denmark (Quinn, 1999) Source:

What is the reason that so many people still do not request the HPV screening during their annual visit?

I don't have time

A year passes by quickly, and in the everyday rush, it's easy to forget or postpone the annual cancer screening.

The cytology test
provides enough reassurance

The cytology test does not detect the HPV virus itself; it only infers its presence from cell changes that indicate infection. Assuming these signs have already appeared, and the smear was taken from the correct area...

I am vaccinated against HPV

Even if you are vaccinated, you can still contract HPV. The vaccine is very useful but does not provide 100% protection.

Excellent solutions

Fortunately, today there are several ways to detect the presence of HPV in the body and to recommend treatment. 

At what age is regular cervical cancer screening necessary?

Typically, regular cervical cancer screening is recommended after the age of 18, but generally following the onset of sexual activity. It is advisable to undergo cervical cancer screening annually. 

Cytology test

What is the purpose of the cytologytest? 

For gynecological cancer screening, gynecologists use the so-called Pap test, during which cell smears are examined to identify any changes,including pre-cancerous conditions.

The advantage of regular cytology tests is that they help detect cervical cancer at an early stage and identify the small percentage of cases where cervical cancer is not caused by HPV infection.

The cytology test does not detect the HPV virus itself;it only infers its presence. Unfortunately, it is not entirely reliablebecause if the smear does not contain cells showing cancerous changes, the laboratory may interpret the sample as negative.

Ára: 42.000 Ft

I choose this

HPV screening + cytology

What is the purpose of the HPV screening?

In this package, in addition to the benefits of cytology, the patient will also find out whether they have been infected with the virus. This way, there is an opportunity for focused attention and potential treatment even before cancer has developed.

IMPORTANT: The HPV test is not automatically performed during the cytology test! You must request it separately!

The advantage of the package is that, in addition to detecting existing changes, it can also determine the presence of the virus in question. In other words, it can alert to the possibility of cervical cancer before it has developed. The cytology test, on the other hand, can detect cervical cancer even if it is not caused by HPV. Therefore, it is advisable to perform both tests concurrently and at regular intervals.

Cost: 54.000 HUF

I choose this

Biomarker + HPV test + cytology

What is the purpose of the Biomarker test? 

In addition to cytology and HPV screening, the supplementary biomarker test shows the stage of any potential infection,which helps determine the appropriate course of action if the test results are positive.

With the ARTEMIS cervical cancer screening, cervical cancer can indeed be prevented! The ARTEMIS test has a negative predictive value of 99.92%*, which means that if the test is negative, the patient's risk of developing a severe (CIN3) pre-cancerous condition within the next 5 years is only 0.08%.!

The cytology test included in the package helps identify those rare cases where cervical cancer is not caused by HPV infection.

Cost: 59.000 HUF

I choose this

* Katki et al.: Benchmarking CIN3+ risk as the basis for incorporating HPV and Pap cotesting into cervical screening and management

Who is the Artemis cervical cancer screening recommended for? 

The test is recommended for any woman who is sexually active and wants to prevent the development of cervical cancer.

Following the timely detection of an HPV infection, necessary gynecological interventions can be performed before the affected cells progress to a cancerous state. For sexually active women, it is recommended to have regular cervical screening combined with HPV testing, even with a negative ARTEMIS result, depending on lifestyle factors, to ensure the prompt detection of any new HPV infections.

In our clinics, we conduct the examinations in an environment
where the necessary equipment is always available.

Where both the doctor and the assistant genuinely smile. Where not only the doctor but also the patient is offered a coffee during the appointment.

At L33 Medical clinics, the majority of gynecologists in Budapest work, and we are accessible at multiple locations throughout the city!

At L33 Medical, we carefully and deliberately select our medical colleagues to ensure that you feel safe in any situation.

In our clinics, only doctors who meet our standards both professionally and personally are allowed to work. You can be confident that we always have accessible and reliable specialists available.

Our Doctors

More than 50 doctors (including 30 female gynecologists)

Our Clinics

Our clinics are located throughout all parts of Budapest

(Budaörs, Corvin, Pasarét) 


100% service guarantee

Can be covered by health savings accounts. 

Árazás és bejelentkezés

Schedule Cancer Screening
Hagyományos citológia
(Tartalmazza: konzultáció, nőgyógyászati vizsgálat rákszűréssel (vagy citológiával) és  ultrahangos vizsgálattal)
39.000 HUF
Hagyományos citológia + magas kockázatú HPV szűrés
(Tartalmazza: konzultáció, nőgyógyászati vizsgálat citológiával, ultrahangos vizsgálattal és HPV szűréssel)
54.000 HUF
Hagyományos citológia + magas kockázatú HPV szűrés + Biomarker vizsgálat – 59.000 Ft
(Tartalmazza: konzultáció, nőgyógyászati vizsgálat citológiával,  ultrahangos vizsgálattal, HPV szűréssel és biomarker vizsgálattal)
59.000 Ft

DNS vizsgálaton alapuló hrHPV kimutatás
14 magas kockázatú HPV kimutatása, ezek közül a HPV 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52 és 58-as „oltási” típusok egyedi azonosítása a legmodernebb Neumann Confidence HPV teszttel. Az ARTEMIS olyan kombinált szűrővizsgálat, amely a lehető legkevesebb szubjektív elemet (hibalehetőséget) tartalmazza, és a méhnyakrák kialakulásának okát, ­ a HPV fertőzöttséget ­ is vizsgálja. Az ARTEMIS méhnyakrák szűrés három egymást kiegészítő tesztből áll

Place your hand on your heart and be honest with yourself! 

Do you want to be absolutely certain when it comes to your health? 

What we know:

Cervical cancer is the second most common cause of death among women under 45. In our country, 1,200 to 1,400 new cases are diagnosed!

Approximately 500 women die from cervical cancer each year in Hungary, even though the condition is preventable!

Cell changes detected in time are 100% treatable!

In 24-32% of cases, cervical cancer develops in women who have previously undergone gynecological screening based on cytology tests!

Questions that you might ask

You can request an appointment for any of our examinations both by phone and online.

Online Appointment


Yes, by clicking on the "Appointment" and "Online Appointment" buttons on our website, you can quickly and easily schedule an appointment with L33 Medical at our Budaörs, Pasarét, and Corvin clinics 24/7.

Online Appointment

Az online foglalt időpontot le tudod mondani azon a felületen, ahol foglaltad vagy ha problémába ütköznél, keresd rendelőnket telefonon vagy emailen és kollégáink segítenek:

Phone contact: 06-1/445-1033

If you want to go for a similar service with the same doctor, such as adding an ultrasound to a gynecological examination and screening, no changes are necessary. However, for more significant differences, we would appreciate an email or phone notification.

Feel free to call our assistants or contact them via email, and they will help you find the appropriate doctor and specialist for your symptoms.

Phone contact details: 06-1/445-1033

Email contact details:

  • Budaörs:
  • Corvin:
  • Pasarét:
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