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Online Appointment Prescription

The clinic where you can always ask one more question!


Budaörs Corvin Pasarét

Gynecology focuses on the health of your female organs. If you have any complaints such as burning, stinging, itching, or experience pain or abnormal processes (bleeding, altered discharge, redness, etc.) in the intimate area, you can confidently turn to us. We are also here for you if you want to participate in your annual screening or need advice.

If you want to finally enter a gynecology clinic without feeling uncomfortable or fearful, you’re in the right place! We consider it important that your visit is not a ordeal, which is why we create a confidential, calm atmosphere: there is no judgment or disapproval, and you need not fear anything.

We always explain in detail what will happen, discuss the cause of your issue, and the possible treatments. We perform examinations with minimal discomfort and, after providing comprehensive information about the treatments, we make decisions together with you. This is the clinic where you can always ask one more question!

Lénárt Karolina

Google review

"I quickly found a suitable appointment online. The clinic was very beautiful, and the staff were super friendly. I received very thorough explanations during the examination. I came with a 1.5-year-old baby, and an assistant immediately helped and played with them to ensure the examination went smoothly!"

Outstanding quality of care

A wide range of
professional services

A medical team that excels
both professionally and personally

A unique, calm,
and comfortable environment

What problem can we assist you with?

Contraceptive counseling

Our contraceptive counseling aims to assist you in choosing the most suitable method for every situation. Whether you are starting your sexual life, considering switching from your current method, traveling abroad, planning a child, or have completed your family planning, we are here to support you in any circumstance.

As our bodies change throughout our lives, this can influence which contraceptive method is most suitable for us. Over time, coexisting conditions or new health issues may also impact our choice of contraception. Therefore, it is important to regularly consult with your doctor to ensure the best solution.

New options in hormone-free and low-hormone contraception are constantly emerging. Methods from thirty years ago may no longer be suitable, which is why our gynecologists continuously stay updated with the latest advancements and integrate them into daily practice.

We provide personalized advice considering your age, family planning intentions, individual preferences, and comfort levels. From natural cycle tracking methods to various hormonal solutions—such as the vaginal ring, contraceptive pills, or patches—we offer a range of options. You can also choose from a variety of intrauterine devices (IUDs), whether hormonal or hormone-free.

It is important that during the consultation, we focus on the methods that best meet your needs. Factors such as whether you are breastfeeding, your coexisting conditions, and your current life situation all influence the contraceptive recommendations.

Book an appointment with our doctors, and together we will find the best solution for you!

HPV counseling

You've heard a lot about HPV but aren’t sure what it really is or whether you need to be concerned. Perhaps you've already received the HPV vaccine and think it doesn’t affect you, or you may be uncertain. In our HPV counseling, we will answer all your questions, whether basic or more complex. 

The most important things to know about HPV:

  • HPV is responsible for nearly 100% of cervical cancer cases. Often, HPV is already present in your body before it can be detected, meaning it may have already started causing changes in cells that are moving towards pre-cancerous conditions. 
  • Many men and women will experience an HPV infection during their lifetime. The key questions are the severity of the infection, the type of HPV involved, the age at which the infection occurred, and whether the body can clear the infection on its own. 
  • There are low-risk HPVs that primarily cause warts, while high-risk HPVs are responsible for cases of cervical cancer. 
  • Nowadays, home HPV tests are also available.

It is crucial for everyone to understand when and how to screen for HPV, and whether it needs to be addressed. This is important regardless of the number of sexual partners one has had or whether they have been vaccinated. Nowadays, it is considered modern to include high-risk HPV screening in annual check-ups. You can find more details about this on the following page. 

HPV screening

Fortunately, today there are several ways to detect the presence of HPV in the body and to recommend treatment. 

Book an appointment with our doctors, and we will help you navigate through it.

Annual screening

What makes annual screening different?

Annual screening is much more than commonly believed. Advances in science now allow this examination to go beyond just identifying potential cancerous conditions. During your annual screening, you have the opportunity to discuss everything related to your women's health with your gynecologist once a year.

You have the opportunity to discuss various aspects of your health during the annual screening, including your contraceptive method and any sexual health issues, your menstrual cycle (e.g., frequency, flow strength, regularity), coexisting conditions (e.g., thyroid disorders) that may affect your women’s health, any medications you are taking, your plans for pregnancy and how we might assist in that process.

The examination process

During a gynecological examination, we review everything, including even minor skin changes. The first step is taking a smear, which involves collecting a sample for cervical cancer screening. This allows the laboratory to check for precancerous cells or existing cancer cells. However, it’s important to note that this test only screens for cervical cancer and does not detect ovarian cancer or endometrial cancer.

The examination is generally painless and can be compared to the sensation of lightly brushing your lips with mascara. We use a tool similar to a mascara brush to collect the sample from the cervix. However, it’s possible to experience a slight discomfort during the sample collection.

HPV screening

In modern practice, it’s essential to complement cytological exams with high-risk HPV screening, as this virus is responsible for nearly 100% of cervical cancer cases. Often, precancerous cells may not yet be detectable in the smear, but HPV might already be present in the body. Therefore, special attention is needed for women with high-risk HPV. The purpose of the screening is to monitor and take timely action to prevent potential issues.

HPV screening

Fortunately, today there are several ways to detect the presence of HPV in the body and to recommend treatment. 


After the smear test, an ultrasound is performed to examine the uterine muscle, the endometrium, and the ovaries. This allows us to detect any abnormalities such as fibroids, ovarian cysts, or other changes in the organs.

Book an appointment with our doctors, and we will help you navigate through it.

Examination of vaginal infections


Vaginal infections often cause discomfort in the vaginal and intimate areas. Symptoms may include itching, burning sensation, stinging, or soreness, but even in the absence of these, symptoms such as increased vaginal discharge, changes in color, odor, texture, or swelling, redness, and irritation may occur.


A vaginal infection can be caused by several factors, which are worth investigating with a gynecologist:

  • Fungal
  • Bacteria
  • Chemical irritation
  • Other infections


For targeted treatment of infections, an accurate diagnosis is crucial. In cases with typical symptoms, the doctor can quickly determine the necessary treatment. In recurring or difficult-to-treat cases, a vaginal smear examination is required, which is performed using microscopic analysis, culturing, or other specialized laboratory methods.


The doctor determines the necessary examinations and treatment based on the complaints and symptoms, which may include:

  • Vaginal suppositories and creams
  • Oral tablets
  • A combination of these

In case of need, we also prescribe a follow-up examination to ensure the complete resolution of the infection.


If you have experienced recurrent vaginal fungal infections and are familiar with over-the-counter products that have been effective for you, you can confidently use them according to your doctor's previous instructions. However, if the usual treatment does not improve the condition or if the infection recurs quickly, you should definitely consult a doctor. There may be additional factors beyond the usual fungal infection, or the fungus may have become resistant to the treatment. In such cases, the doctor can provide an accurate diagnosis and recommend appropriate treatment.

Sign up online so we can help with the effective treatment and prevention of vaginal infections!

Examination of sexually transmitted infections

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) can be insidious because, in many cases, they cause few or no symptoms, yet they can lead to serious health issues. Our service aims to help identify and treat these infections, preventing severe health problems. Regular screening and proper treatment can avoid these complications. If you have any suspicions or notice symptoms, feel free to consult our experts so we can detect and treat the infection in time.

Common sexually transmitted diseases:

  • Chlamydia
  • Mycoplasma
  • Neisseria gonorrhoeae
  • Trichomonas vaginalis

Symptoms and issues: Infections are often asymptomatic, but without timely detection, they can cause serious problems, such as:

  • Pelvic inflammatory disease
  • Damage to the fallopian tubes
  • Infertility
  • Persistent lower abdominal pain
  • Bleeding after sex

When should you see a doctor?

  • Bleeding after sex or abdominal discomfort
  • Bleeding between periods
  • Difficulty conceiving
  • Unprotected sex with an unknown partner
  • In the case of infidelity by your partner

Diagnosis and treatment: If you suspect an STD, it is recommended to undergo STD screening, especially if you are not in a monogamous relationship and frequently change partners. Tests may need to be done a few weeks after potential exposure to accurately detect pathogens. Most STDs can be treated with antibiotics. Follow-up testing after treatment is crucial and should be done approximately four weeks after completing the antibiotic course.

Partner treatment and reinfection: In the case of STDs, it is essential to also test and treat your partner, as these infections can easily lead to reinfection.

Online bejelentkezés STD vizsgálatra

Bleeding disorders – when should you see a doctor?

Bleeding disorders can present in various forms and always require investigation, as they can be caused by a range of issues including inflammations, hormonal imbalances, anatomical problems, or consequences of previous procedures. Our service aims to assist in the identification and treatment of bleeding disorders. If you experience any abnormal bleeding or notice deviations in your menstrual cycle from what is usual for you, consult our experts. Timely diagnosis and treatment help prevent severe health issues and improve quality of life.

When can we talk about a bleeding disorder?

  1. Bleeding unrelated to menstruation
    • Bleeding occurring at irregular times: If you experience unexpected vaginal bleeding, consult a doctor.
    • One-time minor bleeding: Note the one-time minor bleeding. If it recurs, consult a doctor.
    • Heavy or prolonged bleeding: Seek medical attention immediately if the bleeding is heavy and prolonged.
  2. Menstrual problems
    • Heavy or clotty menstruation: If your menstruation is heavier, more clotty, and lasts longer than usual, it may indicate a bleeding disorder.
    • Frequent menstruation: A shorter cycle and more frequent bleeding may also indicate a bleeding disorder.
    • Reduced or less frequent menstruation: If your menstruation lasts for a shorter duration or occurs less frequently, this could also be a concern.
    • Irregular menstruation: If you experience irregular menstruation, it is definitely worth consulting a doctor.

Possible causes and tests

  • Hormonal imbalances: Hormonal issues often underlie bleeding disorders. These can be evaluated through blood tests.
  • Anatomical abnormalities: Fibroids, endometrial polyps, or other anatomical abnormalities may be behind heavy, clotty, and prolonged bleeding. These can be detected through an ultrasound examination.
  • Inflammations: Inflammations can also cause bleeding disorders, which can be detected through vaginal sampling and laboratory tests.
  • Previous procedures: Previous uterine procedures, such as miscarriage, abortion, or other surgical complications, can also lead to bleeding disorders.

What to do?

  • Note the symptoms: ha rendellenes vérzést tapasztalsz, jegyezd fel az időpontot és a mennyiséget.
  • Consult a doctor: Consult a doctor for any abnormal bleeding. The doctor can determine the cause of the issue through tests and provide the appropriate treatment.
  • Don’t delay: For heavy or recurrent bleeding, don’t delay in seeing a doctor, as it could be indicative of serious health issues.

Bleeding disorders

Contact us if you believe your menstruation is abnormal!

Bleeding after sex – When should we see a doctor?

Bleeding after sex is an issue that is often overlooked. In many cases, it may be caused by vigorous intercourse or a partner’s above-average size, which might lead us to downplay its significance. However, bleeding after sex can be alarming for both partners, and it is important to pay attention to it.

What can cause bleeding after sex?

  • Minor injuries: During vigorous sexual activity, minor abrasions may occur, leading to slight bleeding. If this happens only once, it is usually not a cause for concern.
  • Recurrent bleeding: If the bleeding occurs repeatedly, it may indicate a more serious issue. In such cases, a medical examination is necessary.

Possible causes

  • Infections: Sexually transmitted diseases, such as Chlamydia and gonorrhea.
  • Cervical abnormalities: Abnormalities on the cervix, such as polyps or cervical erosion (cervical ectropion), can also cause bleeding. Cervical erosion may be a normal condition but can also progress to a pathological state requiring treatment.
  • Cycle-related vulnerability The cervical mucosa can change throughout different stages of the menstrual cycle and may be more vulnerable during certain periods.

When should we see a doctor?

  • Recurrent bleeding: If the bleeding occurs multiple times, be sure to see a doctor.
  • Accompanying symptoms: If the bleeding is accompanied by other symptoms, such as pain, discomfort, or unusual vaginal discharge, a medical examination is also warranted.
  • Suspected infection: If you suspect a sexually transmitted infection, seek medical attention immediately.

Why is the examination important?

Bleeding after sex can be a warning sign that something is wrong with your body. It may be caused by infectious diseases, cervical abnormalities, or minor anatomical issues. Addressing these issues is crucial to prevent more serious problems in the future.

Don’t trivialize it, but don’t panic either!

It is important to take bleeding after sex seriously and clarify the cause with a medical examination. If you notice any deviations from what is normal, consult a specialist. Don’t ignore these signs, as timely intervention can prevent more serious health issues.

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Lower abdominal pain

Lower abdominal pain is a very common complaint when people come to us. Often, we feel pain in the ovaries or lower abdomen and suspect a gynecological issue. It is indeed possible that a cyst or another abnormality in the ovaries, or a disease affecting a gynecological organ, may cause the discomfort, which could be sharp or crampy. However, it is important to note that several other organs can also cause pain in this area, such as the intestines, ureters, bladder, or appendix.

What can cause lower abdominal pain?

  • Gynecological causes: Ovarian cysts, uterine and fallopian tube abnormalities, inflammations.
  • Ovulation: Many women experience pain during ovulation, which can also cause lower abdominal discomfort around the middle of the menstrual cycle.
  • Other organs: The bladder, ureters, intestines, or appendix can also cause lower abdominal pain.

When should we see a doctor?

  • Recurrent or severe pain If lower abdominal pain is recurrent or severe, be sure to consult a doctor.
  • Persistent pain: If lower abdominal pain has been persistent for several months, fluctuating in intensity, it is advisable to seek an examination.
  • Accompanying symptoms: If the pain is accompanied by other symptoms, such as unusual vaginal discharge or pain during examination,

Why is the examination important?

Lower abdominal pain can be a warning sign that something is wrong with the body. A gynecological examination can help determine if the uterus, fallopian tubes, or ovaries are in good condition. The doctor will use ultrasound and other tests to check for any abnormalities or inflammations. If the gynecological exam does not reveal any issues, the cause of the lower abdominal pain may need to be investigated in other areas.

Don’t delay in seeing a doctor!

It is important to take lower abdominal pain seriously and clarify its cause with a medical examination. If you notice any deviations from what is normal, consult a specialist. Timely intervention can prevent more serious health issues and improve quality of life.

Alhasi fájdalom esetén fordulj bizalommal nőgyógyász kollégáinkhoz segítségért!

Baby planning – The importance of conscious conception

Having a child is one of the most significant events in life. Conscious preparation not only positively impacts the health of the mother and baby but also ensures the well-being of the entire family. Below, we outline why planning is important and what to pay attention to.

Why is conscious baby planning important?

During baby planning, it is crucial to be in optimal physical, mental, and emotional health. The following steps can help with preparation:

  • Healthy lifestyle: Eliminate harmful habits such as alcohol and smoking, and adopt a healthier lifestyle. Drink plenty of fluids, consume nutrient-rich foods, and take vitamins.
  • Management of chronic diseases: If you have a chronic condition (e.g., thyroid disease, high blood pressure), consult your healthcare provider before planning a pregnancy. It is important to understand which medications may need to be adjusted and what steps should be taken if you receive a positive pregnancy test.
  • Family history: Consider whether there have been any genetic issues or difficulties with conception in your family. If so, it is worth discussing this with your gynecologist to determine if preliminary genetic tests or special evaluations are needed.

Gynecological examinations

Annual gynecological screenings are essential, especially when planning to conceive. It is also practical to request an ultrasound examination and come prepared with a menstrual calendar for the consultation. Discuss your menstrual cycle with your gynecologist, including its regularity and any issues, and determine whether hormone tests or other evaluations are needed.

Birth plan

It is important to decide in advance where you would like to give birth—whether in a public or private hospital. Consider if it is important for you to have a specific doctor present during delivery, as this can primarily be arranged through the private sector. Reflect on what is most important to you regarding your birth plan.

Why choose our clinic?

Our clinic is staffed with expert doctors ready to assist you throughout every stage of baby planning. We provide personalized attention to offer the best advice on healthy lifestyle choices, necessary examinations, and crafting your birth plan.

Contact information

Have a question or want to schedule an appointment? Get in touch with us so we can assist you with every step of baby planning!

Menstrual problems 

Menstrual problems can manifest in various forms: excessive or scant bleeding, frequent or infrequent bleeding, irregular cycles, or even the complete absence of menstruation. Below, we provide a detailed overview of what is considered normal and when it is advisable to consult a doctor.

What is considered normal?

A normal menstrual cycle typically lasts between 24 and 33 days, with bleeding lasting up to a week. It is normal to have a day or two of spotting before the main flow begins, but spotting that lasts several days or weeks may be cause for concern.

When should you see a doctor?

  • In the case of heavy, clotted, severe, or crampy bleeding,
  • Short menstruation:Less than 2 days
  • Frequent menstruation: If the cycle is shorter than 24 days, it is important to seek medical evaluation.
  • Infrequent menstruation: If menstruation becomes less frequent than usual or stops completely, it also requires medical evaluation.
  • Irregular cycles: In cases of irregular bleeding or unpredictable cycles, it is important to seek medical consultation.

Why is examination important?

Menstrual problems can be caused by hormonal imbalances, anatomical issues (such as polyps), or previous uterine interventions. If there is a significant change in your menstrual cycle (e.g., a previously 28-day cycle extends to 35 days, or there are changes in the duration and intensity of bleeding), it is important to consult a doctor, especially if the change persists for several months.

Special cases

  • Changes after uterine interventions If there is a significant change in menstruation after previous surgeries (e.g., abortion, polyp removal, hysteroscopy)—such as reduced bleeding or shorter duration—it is advisable to seek medical evaluation.
  • Completely irregular menstruation: In such cases, immediate medical evaluation is necessary to determine the underlying cause.

Consultation and advice

In many cases, it can be challenging to determine what is normal and what is not. If you are concerned about your menstrual problems, feel free to reach out to us. Our expert doctors will help clarify the situation and recommend further tests if necessary.


What is endometriosis?

Endometriosis is a gynecological condition where tissues similar to the uterine lining grow outside the uterus, such as on the ovaries, within the abdominal cavity, or in the gastrointestinal tract. This abnormal tissue growth can cause painful menstruation, chronic pelvic pain, and infertility.

The disease primarily affects about 10% of women of reproductive age, although it can also occur in younger women (as young as 10-12 years old) and older women (over 35-40 years old). In Hungary, it affects more than 200,000 women of reproductive age.

Symptoms and diagnosis

The most common symptoms of endometriosis include extremely painful menstruation, chronic pelvic pain, and infertility. However, diagnosing the condition can be challenging because the symptoms are not specific and can be confused with many other diseases. It can take a long time to establish a diagnosis, sometimes as long as 8-10 years.

The diagnostic process often involves:

  • Medical examination and palpation:During physical examinations, a rectovaginal examination may also be performed to obtain a more accurate diagnosis.
  • Imaging procedures:Using imaging techniques such as ultrasound, CT, and MRI, we aim to identify the disease. Ultrasound is particularly useful in detecting endometriosis cysts.
  • Laboratory tests:Although the CA-125 tumor marker level may be elevated in cases of endometriosis, it is not specific and therefore not always a reliable diagnostic tool.

Treatment options

Our treatment options are personalized, taking into account the patient's life situation and individual needs:

  • Lifestyle counseling:Proper diet, regular exercise, and other lifestyle changes can also help manage symptoms and improve quality of life.
  • Medication treatment:Hormonal therapies can help reduce symptoms and prevent the progression of the disease.
  • Surgical intervention:In severe cases, or when medication does not yield results, surgical intervention may be necessary. During laparoscopic surgery, the endometriosis tissue is removed, minimizing damage to the ovaries.

Warning! Infertility!

Endometriosis is often associated with infertility. Studies indicate that approximately half of patients undergoing fertility evaluations have endometriosis as an underlying issue. Early detection and treatment of endometriosis are crucial for successful family planning.

Contact us with confidence!

If you feel you need assistance with managing endometriosis or require more information about our services, please reach out to us. Our experts are ready to support you on the path to a healthier and pain-free life.

Myoma examination

A fibroid is a benign muscle tumor originating in the uterus, which can occur in many women. The uterus is a muscular organ where these benign muscle tumors, or fibroids, can develop. They most commonly appear during the reproductive years, that is, between the first menstruation and menopause. The treatment of fibroids is a complex issue that requires thorough investigation and an individualized approach. If fibroids have been found in you, consult our expert doctors who will assist you in selecting the most appropriate treatment and monitoring the fibroids.

What is myoma?

Fibroids develop in the uterus and can grow due to hormonal influences. Their size and number can vary: some women may have only one small fibroid, while others may have multiple larger fibroids. Their location can also vary: they can grow on the outer wall of the uterus, within the muscular wall of the uterus, or even towards the uterine cavity.

Symptoms and issues

  • Bleeding disorders: Fibroids that grow towards the uterine cavity can cause bleeding disorders and infertility issues, even if they are small in size. They can also increase the likelihood of miscarriages.
  • Cramping pains: In the case of larger fibroids, you may experience more intense, cramping menstrual pain, lower abdominal cramps, and heavier bleeding.
  • Pressure symptoms: Large fibroids growing outward from the uterus can press on surrounding organs, which may cause additional discomfort.

Diagnosis and treatment

If a fibroid is found during a routine examination but does not cause significant symptoms, it is advisable to monitor changes with an annual ultrasound. It is important to check the number, size, and location of the fibroids, as well as whether they are causing any symptoms. If the fibroids begin to grow or cause symptoms, various therapeutic options, including surgical intervention, may be considered.

Personalized approach

Managing fibroids always requires a personalized approach. When making decisions, factors such as age, plans for childbearing, and symptoms caused by the fibroids must be considered. For example, in the case of a young woman who has not yet had children and desires to do so, treatment options should be chosen that allow for future pregnancy. In contrast, an older woman who has already gone through menopause and is struggling with severe bleeding issues might consider a hysterectomy.

Do you have any questions? Would you like to schedule an appointment? Contact us so we can assist you with the management and monitoring of your fibroids!

Cyst examination

Ovarian cysts are commonly encountered and can be of various types. These include simple fluid-filled cysts, endometriotic cysts, dermoid cysts, and others. The treatment recommended by a doctor depends on the type of cyst found. This may involve immediate surgery, medication, or regular monitoring. Evaluating and monitoring cysts is crucial for maintaining health. Regular medical examinations and appropriate treatment ensure that problems are identified and addressed in a timely manner, preventing more serious consequences.

Types of cysts

  1. Simple fluid-filled cyst: Like a small balloon filled with water.
  2. Endometriotic cyst: A form of endometriosis.
  3. Dermoid cyst and other types of cysts: These can be filled not only with fluid but also with other substances.

Treatment methods

The doctor may recommend:

  • Immediate surgery if there is a suspicion of malignancy.
  • Medication.
  • Regular monitoring with ultrasound and blood tests.

What to do?

If a cyst has been detected and needs to be monitored, it is crucial to attend medical appointments regularly. This includes not only ultrasound examinations but also blood tests. It is important that previous test results are always available so that the doctor can compare the current condition with previous ones.

Do you have any questions? Would you like to schedule an appointment? Contact us so we can assist you with the management and monitoring of cysts!

Treatment of abnormalities on and around the genital area

Abnormalities occurring on and around the genital area can take many forms. These may include red spots, white patches, bumps, or other unusual phenomena, which often cause concern. Recognizing and treating such abnormalities is important for maintaining health.

What types of abnormalities can occur?

  • Red spots and white patches: These are often harmless, but they may sometimes itch or cause pain. Rarely, they could be malignant abnormalities.
  • Bumps: They can be painful or painless and may be caused by an infection, a skin condition, or a Bartholin's gland cyst/abscess.
  • Infections: Fungal infections, HPV-related genital warts, and sexually transmitted diseases are common.
  • Color changes: Abnormalities can be white, red, blue-purple, or black. They may or may not itch and can be painful.

When should we see a doctor?

In the case of any abnormality, it is advisable to consult a gynecologist, as various issues may be underlying the symptoms. A simple spot might be harmless, but if inflammation is present, treatment is needed. Certain abnormalities, such as warts, should be removed as soon as possible to prevent further spread. The doctor can determine if intervention is necessary and what treatment is required.

The importance of treatment
  • Treatment of infections and inflammations: In the case of fungal or bacterial infections, appropriate treatment is essential to prevent further complications.
  • Pre-cancerous conditions: If an abnormality is potentially prone to cancerous transformation, it is important to intervene in a timely manner.
  • Removal of warts: HPV-related warts should be removed as soon as possible to prevent their spread.

Don’t be afraid to consult a doctor!

For many, it can be uncomfortable to consult a doctor about such issues, but it is important to understand that these abnormalities are as normal as any other health problem. Doctors do not judge, and maintaining our health is the most important thing. Don’t hesitate to seek help, as appropriate treatment ensures quicker recovery and peace of mind.

Do you have any questions? Would you like to schedule an appointment? Contact us so we can assist you with the treatment and monitoring of genital abnormalities!

Urinary tract infection

"Cystitis, often described in various ways by different people, is a common issue. Its typical symptoms include frequent urges to urinate, a burning or stinging sensation during urination, and, in some cases, blood in the urine. It is also common to feel a strong urge to urinate but only pass a few drops, which can be extremely uncomfortable and painful."

Fortunately, many over-the-counter remedies are available that you can try at home in an emergency situation. However, if you experience these symptoms, it's important to consult a doctor quickly. You may need a urine test and culture, but a well-chosen antibiotic treatment can quickly resolve your symptoms. This can be prescribed by your general practitioner, gynecologist, or urologist. For a single, basic case of cystitis, a consultation with your general practitioner may be sufficient.

Oftentimes, cystitis can be associated with vaginal infections, especially in recurrent cases. If you experience symptoms multiple times within six months or three times within a year, it is definitely worth consulting a urologist. Such cases require complex treatment, and cooperation between a gynecologist and urologist is often beneficial. Disruption of the vaginal flora can also play a role in the development of symptoms, so treatment should address this aspect as well.

While waiting to see a doctor, drink plenty of fluids to help flush bacteria out of the bladder.

For more details and useful information, check out our video with Dr. Károly Nagy, Chief Urologist.


If you want to visit the urologist without stress and fear, choose us: we provide a calm, trusting environment and ensure discretion. Our highly skilled doctors, equipped with modern technology, will investigate the underlying causes of your symptoms so that you can be relieved of them as quickly as possible.

Menopause counseling

A menopauza az élet természetes része, de nem kell, hogy a mindennapok terhévé váljon! Ha tapasztalod a változókor kellemetlen tüneteit, mint a hőhullámok, hangulatingadozások, hüvelyszárazság, vagy a szív- és csontrendszer egészségével kapcsolatos problémák, érdemes időben lépned.

Az L33 Medical nőgyógyászai szakértő támogatást nyújtanak a menopauza idején, legyen szó kivizsgálásról, tanácsadásról vagy egyéni kezelési tervekről. Tudtad, hogy nem csak hormonális terápiával segíthetünk? Korszerű megoldásokkal enyhítjük a tüneteket, hogy újra felszabadultan élvezhesd az életet!

Ne hagyd, hogy a menopauza korlátokat szabjon! Foglalj időpontot online, és ismerd meg, hogyan teheted könnyebbé ezt az időszakot!

Doctors, whom you can trust for menopause-related advice: Dr. Imre Jávorkai, Dr. Beáta Iszlai-Téglás, Dr. Eszter Farkas Dr. Melinda Aszódi.

Urinary tract infection

"Cystitis, often described in various ways by different people, is a common issue. Its typical symptoms include frequent urges to urinate, a burning or stinging sensation during urination, and, in some cases, blood in the urine. It is also common to feel a strong urge to urinate but only pass a few drops, which can be extremely uncomfortable and painful."

Fortunately, many over-the-counter remedies are available that you can try at home in an emergency situation. However, if you experience these symptoms, it's important to consult a doctor quickly. You may need a urine test and culture, but a well-chosen antibiotic treatment can quickly resolve your symptoms. This can be prescribed by your general practitioner, gynecologist, or urologist. For a single, basic case of cystitis, a consultation with your general practitioner may be sufficient.

Oftentimes, cystitis can be associated with vaginal infections, especially in recurrent cases. If you experience symptoms multiple times within six months or three times within a year, it is definitely worth consulting a urologist. Such cases require complex treatment, and cooperation between a gynecologist and urologist is often beneficial. Disruption of the vaginal flora can also play a role in the development of symptoms, so treatment should address this aspect as well.

While waiting to see a doctor, drink plenty of fluids to help flush bacteria out of the bladder.

For more details and useful information, check out our video with Dr. Károly Nagy, Chief Urologist.


If you want to visit the urologist without stress and fear, choose us: we provide a calm, trusting environment and ensure discretion. Our highly skilled doctors, equipped with modern technology, will investigate the underlying causes of your symptoms so that you can be relieved of them as quickly as possible.

Our current prices


Consultation33.000 HUF
Fertility consultation (40 minutes)55.000 HUF
Menopauza konzultáció (40 perc)55.000 HUF
Second opinion request35.000 HUF
Examination35.000 HUF
Examination + cancer screening41.000 Ft
Examination + ultrasound41.000 Ft
Basic annual gynecological examination (examination + cancer screening + ultrasound)42.000 Ft
Complex annual gynecological examination (Basic + hrHPV)54.000 HUF
IUD insertion45.000 HUF
IUD removal41.000 Ft
Cervical cryotherapy40.000 HUF
HYCOSY (hysterosalpingo-contrast sonography)100.000 HUF
Sonohysterogram (SIS, saline infusion sonohysterography)70.000 HUF
Endometrium scratching40.000 HUF
Gyermeknőgyógyászati konzultáció30.000 HUF
Pediatric gynecological examination35.000 HUF
receptírás (konzultáció és vizsgálat nélkül)4.500 Ft
Külföldi receptek átírása15.000 HUF
Hétvégi receptírás (konzultáció és vizsgálat nélkül)10.000 HUF

Additional option (to be paid in addition to the examination fee)

Vaginal discharge culture10.000 HUF
GBS screening10.000 HUF
Immediate microscopic smear examination 6.000 Ft
Liquid based surcharge10.000 HUF
HPV typing – full spectrum20.000 HUF
hr HPV (high-risk HPV)15.000 HUF
STD3 (Gadenella, Trichomonas, Atopobium)20.000 HUF
STD4 (Chlamydia, Neisseria, Mycoplasma, Ureaplasma)25.000 HUF
m-STD4 (Chlmaydia, Neisseria, Mycoplasma, Trichomonas)25.000 HUF
Cervicitis panel (Chlamydia, Neisseria, Mycoplasma)20.000 HUF
MPL and UPL cultures12.000 HUF
STD (per unit)10.000 HUF
Endometrium biopsia20.000 HUF

Contact us with any unexpected symptoms as well

If you experience abnormal bleeding, meaning bleeding outside of your menstrual period.

If sex is painful or uncomfortable.

If your vaginal discharge changes: if it becomes more abundant, has a different consistency, unusual color, or unpleasant odor.

If you experience itching or a burning sensation.

If you notice any external abnormalities: blisters, warts, rashes, redness, swelling, etc.

Severe menstrual pain, excessive bleeding, unusually long or short periods, or abnormal color/consistency of the blood.

In cases of lower abdominal pain, cramping, or discomfort.

Don't feel embarrassed about seeing a doctor in these situations! While it may seem extreme to you, we encounter these issues every day – to us, it's as routine as a broken wrist in the emergency room!

Online Appointment

L33 Medical vs. average gynecology practices

Compassionate care

Comfortable, personalized appointment times

Multiple, easily accessible clinics

Comprehensive range of services

100% service guarantee

Partial or complete lack of empathy

Often rigid scheduling

Distances that may require several hours of travel

Only a few of their preferred examinations

Conveyor-belt style care

With expert assistance, we are here to help with other gynecological issues in our clinics as well

Maternity care

To ensure that your baby is in the best hands throughout your pregnancy.


If you have any gynecological questions, we are happy to answer them!


Consultation, oral contraceptives, IUD insertion, and discussion and application of other methods.

Fertility issues

Fertility-related tests.

Bleeding disorders

Contact us if you believe your menstruation is abnormal!

If your child needs gynaecological care

Our paediatricians use the gentlest possible methods and a child-friendly approach to solve the problem.

Menopausal problems

Menopause affects everyone sooner or later, but it doesn't have to be a struggle!

With us, you can always have one more question!

Our colleagues are experts in a wide range of gynecological activities, ensuring that whatever you come to us with, you will always receive the best possible care and the most accurate answers!

For any gynecological complaints, for screening purposes, and during pregnancy, turn to us with confidence!
Online Appointment

Let our satisfied clients speak for us

Excellent5.0 Based on 4923 reviews from Review us onDolóresz DemeterDolóresz Demeter ★★★★★ A rendelő családias hangulatú. Minden ott dolgozó személy nagyon kedves és segítőkész. Csak ajánlani tudom!!Eszter TúriEszter Túri ★★★★★ Minden nagyon kedvesen fogadnak a recepción és a rendelésen is.Nóra Timea TóthNóra Timea Tóth ★★★★★ 2025. januárban jártam a rendelőben egy fibróma és egy szemölcs eltávolításon. Mindenki nagyon kedves és figyelmes volt, gyorsan és flottul zajlott minden. Nagyon szép munkát végzett a doktornő. Dr. Nguyen Melindánál jártam, nagyon aranyos és profi.E-mailben keresetem őket a gyógyulási folyamat miatt, arra is gyorsan kaptam választ.Andrea Agárdi-NyáraiAndrea Agárdi-Nyárai ★★★★★ Elképesztően kedves volt mindenki. Kellemes a környezet, főleg egy terheléses cukor/inzulin laborvizsgálathoz.Ágnes Széllné BariÁgnes Széllné Bari ★★★★★ Mindenki nagyon kedves,figyelmes.Diána ZomboriDiána Zombori ★★★★★ Kedvesek, segítőkészek!Mária KaszásMária Kaszás ★★★★★ Udvarias,kedves,segítőkész, empatikus doktornő látott el. Köszönöm szépen.Csilla BagdiCsilla Bagdi ★★★★★ Inzulinrezisztencia vizsgálaton voltam, minden kérdésemre választ kaptam, a kezelő személyzet mind kedves, barátságos.Az egész rendelő hangulata kellemes. 5*Response from the ownerKöszönjük a doktornő nevében is. Melinda SzabadosMelinda Szabados ★★★★★ Most voltam a rendelőben először. Ilyen kedves munkatársakat már régen láttam. Polonka Krisztina doktornő kezelte a benőtt körmeimet. A kedvessége, a segítőkészsége, a professzionalitása és a precizitása teljesen lenyűgözött. Az asszisztens is végtelenül kedves volt. Ismét Önöket fogom választani.Anna PellerAnna Peller ★★★★★ Dr Nagyházi Orsolya Doktornő vizsgált,tündéri volt és emberi,kedves és bizalomgerjesztő.Semmi feszengés és valódi figyelem,szakmaiság.Gratulálok a Rendelő egész Csapatának,jó ilyen igazi emberséges szakemberek kezébe kerülni.Alexandra HoffmannAlexandra Hoffmann ★★★★★ Nagyon tiszta a hely , mindig kedvesek és segítőkészek , az orvosok is nagyon kedvesek Dr.Tóth Diánát külön ajánlom 🙂Brigitta DanyiBrigitta Danyi ★★★★★ Dr.Kőrösi Juliát szívből ajánlom.Alaposan vizsgált,vizsgálat közben mindent elmond,mit lát. Rettegek a nőgyógyászati vizsgálatoktól,de nála még is megnyugvást éreztem!Ferencné PuhaFerencné Puha ★★★★★ Mindenki nagyon kedves volt.A doktornő közvetlen,segítőkész,minden kérdésemre kielégítő választ kaptam. Jó szívvel ajánlom.Kalman VargaKalman Varga ★★★★★ Sebészeten Dr. Dákay Alexander doki szuper + jófej! 🙂Erika BaktiErika Bakti ★★★★★ Sokadjára jártam ma náluk és továbbra is csak ajánlani tudom.A rendelő légköre megnyugvást sugároz.Dr. Kis Évát jószívvel ajánlom mindenkinek,minden kérdésemre választ kaptam.Empatikus,alapos.Nóra CsobánNóra Csobán ★★★★★ Maximálisan elégedett vagyok a rendelőben nyújtott szolgáltatásokkal. Szuper kedves dolgozók, tisztaság és kényelem, teljes odafigyelés. Ajánlom4Fruzsina Csatári-DobákFruzsina Csatári-Dobák ★★★★★ Mindenki rendkívül kedves és segítőkész volt. A rendelő nagyon tiszta, rendezett és stílusos. Legközelebb is őket választom!Adrienn KecskésAdrienn Kecskés ★★★★★ Nagyon kedves és felkészült volt a doktornő!Minden kérdésünkre türelmesen válaszolt!Köszönjük!Meli MesterMeli Mester ★★★★★ Dr. Môga Kristóf hihetetlenül kedves és profi. Minden kérdésre válaszol és maximálisan odafigyel a hozzá érkező páciensre. A váròban az asszisztens hölgyekre ugyan ez érvényes. Nagyon pozitív élmény volt. 🙂 Csak ajánlani tudom a rendelőt.Tamás dr. SzűtsTamás dr. Szűts ★★★★★ Kind stuff, good kind and empatic doctors. Highly recommended! I had a minor surgery, but was very nervous, both the doctor and staff was very kind and explanatory. The procedure was painless.Prices seems reasonable (I do not have comparative data).js_loader
L33 Medical